DAR Depends on Active Junior Members
Junior Members are chapter members aged eighteen through thirty-five (until their thirty-sixth birthday). Junior Members enjoy full privileges and rights of membership and are eligible for any chapter, state, or national office. In Nebraska, the Loup Trail Chapter was founded in 1975 by eleven Junior Members. In 1982, Fort Sidney Chapter was featured in the Daughters of the American Revolution magazine with a photograph taken at the Fort Sidney Museum, which pictured eight Junior Members who helped organize the chapter. Junior Members are the heart of our organization!
LeadershipJunior Members have served in a variety of leadership positions at the chapter and state level. Laura Linder, Ellen White, Joan Coker and Mary Dolan served as State President of C.A.R. Juniors serving as state officers include Deborah Welch Aerni, Dawn Feldkamp, Jean Bode, Cherry Felkins, Wendi Callenius, and Candace Cain. Other former Juniors have gone on to become Nebraska State Regents: Jacquelyn Wehrman, 1984-1986; Ellen White, 2000-2002; and LeAnn Reichenberg, 2006-2008. Ellen White, LeAnn Reichenberg, and Candace Cain were elected Vice President General at the National level.
Outstanding Juniors
Nebraska crowns its Outstanding Junior Member each year at the Saturday evening banquet at State Conference. This crown is passed from Junior to Junior. Our 2022 Outstanding Junior is Kayce Feldkamp from the Reavis-Ashley Chapter. Kayce is also currently serving as the Nebraska State Treasurer.
At the national level, in 1985, Deborah Welch Aerni of St. Leger Cowley Chapter was named National Outstanding Junior. Candace Jane Cain of the Loup Trail Chapter was a National Outstanding Junior Runner-Up.
At the national level, in 1985, Deborah Welch Aerni of St. Leger Cowley Chapter was named National Outstanding Junior. Candace Jane Cain of the Loup Trail Chapter was a National Outstanding Junior Runner-Up.